A Beginner’s Guide to Beginning a Home Workout

The most difficult aspect of exercising for a lot of us is starting. If you plan to start an at-home fitness regimen, you may also be unsure about what equipment to buy or which exercises to begin with. Here’s some guidance and assistance, then. This check list will assist you in starting a strength training regimen at home.

Medical clearance

It is always a good idea to get medical clearance before starting an exercise program. Getting a physical examination and/or screening that looks to identify possible cardiac issues is suggested prior to starting the basic strength training for beginners at home. You can also fill out a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) available online and show it to your doctor to expedite the process. 

No equipment needed

Walk into any gym and you’ll likely be astounded by the different types of exercise machines. But you don’t really need any fancy equipment for doing effective strength training exercises at home. If you have a floor and a wall, you’re actually good to go. While there is nothing wrong with having weights, resistance bands, and other equipment at one’s disposal, it is most certainly not a necessity when it comes to a beginner’s workout plan

Start slow and steady

If you are new to exercising, the most important thing is to start slow. The dictum “no pain, no gain” does not hold true in the domain of fitness. It’s common for a first-timer to feel some form of discomfort during the initial days of an exercise program. But it should not be to the extent that they are in pain or can barely move the next day. 

So, when you are flagging off an exercise routine, regardless of whether it is cardio or weight-based, start with an easy level and slowly mark your progress. 

If it’s been a while since your last session,  start working out 3 times a week, with at least one day of rest in between. Increase your workout days/workout duration gradually.

Create habits

Want to know the secret to success in the world of fitness? It’s continuity. It doesn’t matter how fast you run or how much weight you lift; unless you are doing it consistently, you will not get the results you are looking for. 

The best way to have continuity is to make strength workouts at home a scheduled part of your day. You must not think of exercise time as optional. Add it to your calendar, just as you would schedule lunch or an important meeting. 

Lastly, the best time to work out is in the morning when there is minimal chance of any disruption. However, should you plan to exercise after work, it is ideal to go directly from the office to your workout. If you go home and sit on the couch first, the chances of you actually getting off to go exercise are minimal.

Take the gym outside

Just because you’re exercising at home doesn’t mean that you have to stay inside. In fact, one of the benefits of not being at a gym is that you can go exercise at a park or even your front yard. Once you learn some basic bodyweight exercises, pretty much anywhere can be your gym.

5 exercises for beginners

If you are wondering which exercises to start off with, here’s help. These exercises focus on multiple muscle groups and various movement planes, making them the best at-home strength training exercises at home.

1. Push-ups (standard or modified on your knees)

Exercise for beginners: Push ups

A push-up is a compound exercise that works on your upper body as well as the core. It is an ideal upper body strength workout at home. It engages the muscles in your chest, shoulders, back, abs, triceps, and legs.

2. Jumping jacks

Exercise for beginners: Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are a good way to get a total-body workout. It works your muscles as well as your heart and lungs.

3. Bodyweight squats

Exercise for beginners: body weight squats

Squats engage muscles in your upper as well as lower body. They are beneficial for strengthening your muscles and improving overall exercise performance. A bodyweight squat is the most basic form of a squat and uses your body weight for resistance. 

4. Side-to-side lunges

Exercise for beginners: Side to side lunges

Lunges are effective for strengthening your lower body muscles. There are many variations. However, a lateral or side lunge is particularly good for engaging your inner thigh muscles. 

5. Plank

Exercise for beginners: Plank

This is a popular exercise to work your core and abdominal muscles. It also engages your pelvis and shoulders. Planks are not only great for muscle strengthening but also to help with stabilization and balancing.

Have fun

Last but not least, your exercise program should be fun, whether you work out at home or go outside. At the very least, you shouldn’t be dreading it. At the end of the day, this is what will keep you coming back for more and reaching your fitness goals.

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